Monday, 16 December 2013

Trailer V's Opening Sequence - Identity trailer


This clip shows us the trailer for the film Identity. I have watched a trailer as for the task we have been given, we want to avoid creating a trailer. Our task is to create a thriller only and we needed to do some research into trailers to find out the difference between them and opening sequences.

To avoid making a trailer we have to make a smooth film with no big jumps to scenes. Trailers have various clips in the trailer that jump from scene to scene where as an opening sequence should just be the start to a film and smoothly cuts when the next scene comes in. 

Trailers give advanced publicity to films and this is what we need to avoid. We are not promoting a film, we are creating our own opening sequence to a film that stops after around 3-4 minutes. We don't want to advertise anything or leave people on cliffhangers as that is not what an opening sequence should do.

Trailers release small extracts with selected details that they want to show in order to get people to go and watch the film.

Trailers also have text written across the screen; sometimes it says what the narrator is saying. We want our opening sequence to have credits only; no text to match narration.

A trailer is usually a commercial and we don't want to create a commercial. We want to show an opening sequence which then cuts but people know that the film could carry on.

When we come to creating our own thriller, we need to make sure we avoid everything that connects with a trailer as if anything goes into our thriller that attaches to a thriller, eventually, the opening sequence wont be an opening sequence but another connection to a trailer.

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