Friday, 6 December 2013

Preliminary Task Final Video and Evaluation.

Once we finished with the editing, effects and credits on the video we exported it and saved ot to a file ready for upload to YouTube.
The export worked well and it did it extremely quick due to it's small file size. Once the video had been exported and saved, we went to the George Spencer YouTube page and uploaded it as our AS Prelim Task.
Here is the final edit on the prelim video:

The preliminary task I have done has been an insight as to what the thriller task is going to be like.
I have had the chance to film, draw, edit and create for this task which is all going to help.

When I started this task, there were things I hadn't done before or items I haven't used before, like a tripod, artificial light and the editing software.
Some of the items my group used for our preliminary task weren't needed, like the artificial light. This means that when I come to do my thriller task, I can assess what I need and what I don't need as I will have an idea of to how things work.
I will also now no how to use the editing software as I have had the chance to use it.
I also know what camera shots work and how they should be done to get the best footage.

This preliminary task has allowed me to see what the filming and editing is like when you want to put a video together and has allowed me to see if I enjoy doing it. I have discovered that I enjoy filming and editing as I love to create things.

Overall, I think me and my groups preliminary task has worked out quite well considering we all had a basic knowledge of how to edit and film something with a good quality.

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