Monday 10 March 2014

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?  

This Prezi presentation will answer this question. It will tell you how I think my groups thriller opening sequence represents particular social groups, like gender and age. 

The characters in my groups thriller were created to be normal people who were out as a group of friends and came across this abandoned area. The characters were created to show emotion, like being scares or surprised at what they come across. The characters use mise-en-scene by the camera work as in certain scenes the camera angles were different so we could show the characters in the best possible way. For example, at one point the camera was to the left of the characters; this was so we could purposely show the audience there facial expressions and body expression. The sound also creates tension as the sound of the characters footsteps build the suspense as to if something is going to happen to them or if any sudden movements take place suggesting something is about to take place.

These pictures are of our characters that we had chosen to be in our thriller We chose these people to be in our thriller as we thought they represented the characters we wanted the best.

This is a picture showing how we got our inspiration. These three characters represent out characters as they are a three and they go through things together. We hoped that our characters would portray tension and suspense just like the characters from Happy Potter.

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