Friday 14 March 2014

Evaluation Question 9 Part 2

What feedback did you receive for your Thriller Opening sequence? What good things, bad things and improvements did you receive?

This Prezi presentation will show you part two of the feedback. I will show you what other people thought about our thriller opening sequence. It shows which parts the viewers didn't like as much and thought could be improved.

Evaluation Question 9 Part 1

What feedback did you receive for your Thriller Opening sequence? What good things, bad things and improvements did you receive?

This Slideshare will allow you to see what the audience thought was the good parts on our thriller opening sequence. It states what the good parts are with a small explanation as to why.

Evaluation Question 8

Did you have any issues or problems while you were in the process of creating your thriller opening sequence? 

In my groups draft edit of the opening sequence, we had a problem with matching dialogue up with the mouth movement of one of the actors, we didn't have a production company in the sequence and the music at the end didn't drag out long enough in order to finish with the very end of the sequence. With all these issues, for our final edit, we sorted the problems out to get to where we wanted and where we were happy with the sequence. We sat as a group and figured out what to do in order to make the sequence good. We sat down and designed and produced our own production company in Adobe Fireworks which added to our opening sequence making is seemed more professional. We then sat and changes to dialogue to the mouth. This was the hardest part for us and we had to split the sound clips we had in order to make things slower and match. After about 30 minutes, we had matched our dialogue sound up with the movement of the mouth. The last improvement was to drag out the sound at the end of the clip; we did this and now the sound matched the ending to the sequence. Below is the production company we developed and produced.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? 

This slideshare will tell you what I have learnt since I did my preliminary task at the start of the year.

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?  

This prezi presentation will tell you about all the technologies I used while in the process of making my thriller opening sequence. 

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?  

This Prezi presentation will answer this question. The presentation wll tell you how I attracted the audience and what things in my thriller opening sequence grab the audiences attention and draws then in to watch more.


Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?  

This Slideshare will answer the question above. It says what the target audience would be, the age and gender of the audience.


Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?  

I have made a powerpoint presentation answering the question above. The presentation will show tell us about the film distribution companies and which specific ones could be used to distribute the thriller opening sequence me and my group have made.




Monday 10 March 2014

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?  

This Prezi presentation will answer this question. It will tell you how I think my groups thriller opening sequence represents particular social groups, like gender and age. 

The characters in my groups thriller were created to be normal people who were out as a group of friends and came across this abandoned area. The characters were created to show emotion, like being scares or surprised at what they come across. The characters use mise-en-scene by the camera work as in certain scenes the camera angles were different so we could show the characters in the best possible way. For example, at one point the camera was to the left of the characters; this was so we could purposely show the audience there facial expressions and body expression. The sound also creates tension as the sound of the characters footsteps build the suspense as to if something is going to happen to them or if any sudden movements take place suggesting something is about to take place.

These pictures are of our characters that we had chosen to be in our thriller We chose these people to be in our thriller as we thought they represented the characters we wanted the best.

This is a picture showing how we got our inspiration. These three characters represent out characters as they are a three and they go through things together. We hoped that our characters would portray tension and suspense just like the characters from Happy Potter.

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 

Below is a link to a Tumblr Blog which shows the answer to the question abaove.

These pictures below show how the questions are places and presented on the Tumblr Blog and how the text is displayed once a bubble is clicked on.

These pictures show how our thriller uses tension, suspense and excitement.

These pictures are taken from my groups thriller. These specific section show tension as in the first picture its quite dull and it is just a path and we as the audience don't know where it leads to therefore its causing tension to what is going to happen next. 
The second picture shows suspense and excitement as the door is leaving us to think about what might happen next and the excitement is building up as we watch as anything could happen. Something could take place that could make the audience surprised.